Bit more about me:
I like: useless trivia facts. Sleeping. Ice Cream. Socialising. Politics. Activism. Technology (but not apple). Dress up parties.Karaoke.Mad Mex. Travelling. In any order..
What I'm doing right now: listening to some mind numbing electro music. I like electro music - but I've never been to a rave!
Notable mentions of recent times: My team won pub trivia tonight. I feel this validates my existence for a while :)
I have a black sense of humour, and most people don't pick up on my cynical delivery.
I tend to find blogging a bit narcisstic, (refer: "about me"). Don't know what that says about me, but I'm giving this a go!
Ok, enough for one night. More insightful stuff to come....
As someone who is also lame enough to have a blog, I shall further validate your existence by following you :)