Same sex marriage, that is. Nothing new from me really, everyone who knows me know that I support it. And to be honest, there has been so much talk about this in Australia in the lead up to Saturday (for those unaware - the issue will be debated at the ALP national conference on Saturday, considered a fateful moment for the campaign for marriage equality in Australia), that I am actually sick of hearing about it and wish it wasn't a topic of conversation anymore.
Sounds harsh, I know. I mean no offence to anyone as I do feel strongly on this issue. Don't mistake my annoyance with indifference or trivialisation of this issue, that is not what I mean.
My issue is this: I am impatient, and I get bored very easily. I have never been diagnosed but I wouldn't be shocked if I actually have ADD. Actually, I'm not really impatient. I just hate hate hate wasting time. And what it has now boiled down to for me is that I can't believe we are still having this discussion, on this issue.
Now that we're on the topic of things I hate (strong word, I know), you know what else I hate? "Cliqueyness". Exclusivity. Always have. I find it a big turnoff, when people feel they need to exclude others, even if it's not me being excluded. It demonstrates a lot about the character of an individual or a group in my opinion, and I just don't like it.
I have never felt the need to be part of the "IT crowd" and if I've been in an environment that has an "IT crowd" my default reaction is disdain. And notwithstanding that view, I am blessed with a wide social circle of wonderful people, all of who have been hand-picked carefully to be part of my life - but never to the exclusion of others!
So where am I going with this? Well, the closer this Saturday gets, the more media coverage, political debates and commentary I am exposed to on the issue of same sex marriage, the more I have a heightened sense of exclusivity, between those able to marry to the exclusion of others who are not. And right now, I can't say anything more clever or sophisticated than it just pisses me off. It just seems to me like one group of people excluding a group of others from what they have. To me, it seems quite simple, that this is what it boils down to. The way I look at it is this: Leaving prejudice out, how would you explain to a 5 year old child why supposedly one group of people can marry and another group can't? I would imagine it'd be something like "because boys should marry girls, and girls should marry boys. Girls can't marry girls, and boys can't marry boys." Followed by a standard child's response "But why?" Children see through a hollow response with amazing clarity when they don't think they've received an adequate response. I have listened over and over to arguments opposing marriage equality and it always comes down to the same reaction, like a child, "But Why?" I haven't heard a compelling argument as yet.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect that. And I doubt that writing this will change any minds on the issue, I'm not writing with that intent.
I just can't help but think what a waste of time it is talking on and on about this issue when, at the end of the day, I don't think it's anybody's business. And just in case I haven't pissed anybody off yet by writing this, let me go a step further. I think dreadlocks look awful. I think girls who wear very short skirts look skanky. I think as a girl having a full sleeve tatt is unfeminine. I think a lot of things about a lot of different things to do with lifestyle, dress sense, appearances, behaviour etc. But I think what I think because it's just not what I would do. But....I know people who have dreads, girls who wear short skirts, have full sleeve tatts. And they are not feral, or skanky, or unfeminine. They are beautiful, and interesting, and unique, and what I would hate on me I love and appreciate in them, for who they are and how they choose to express it.
I could never picture myself being romantically involved with a person of the same gender. Doesn't do it for me. I also don't fully understand how a person can be attracted to both genders, and I can't at all wrap my head around the concept of genderlessness, I don't get it, at all. But I have some amazing friends who are in same sex relationships, or same sex attracted, or bi-sexual or very passionate about gender theory and social constructs that surround it. It is part of what makes them who they are in this world, and it is part of the package of people I know and love. And like people with dreads, or short skirts and many tattoos, it doesn't affect me, at all.
Now don't get me wrong. I am not drawing a parallel between choosing how to wear your hair, or get inked ( I have a tattoo as well..), or where you shop and being gay or bi, which I don't believe is a choice one makes. I am just saying, none of these things affect me personally, like, at all. Trust me, I LOVE a good whinge and if they did affect me personally in any way, I'd whinge until I'm blue in the face. No really, I would. Any poor bugger who's had the misfortune of being on the other end of the phone when, as a consumer, I've been overcharged or ripped off, or otherwise feel I've been wronged will tell you I will not let it go until I'm happy with the outcome I want. Any friends who've overheard me on said conversations will have a good laugh knowing what an angry me on a mission is like.
So seriously, why am I still talking about this? Why is anyone still talking about this?
I believe in G-d. I believe that there is only one judge in our lives and that is G-d. If I am wrong about my views on this, or any other issue, G-d will be my judge. And I believe that He will be the judge of others, on this or any other issue. Now you may not believe in G-d. That's cool too. Doesn't change anything, really. Who are we to judge others on matters that are completely harmless and victimless and are just none of anyone's f***in' business, really?
So yeah, can't we just legalise this already and then, oh I don't know, talk about the stuff that ACTUALLY affects all of us?
PS check out this video of a child's response to a married gay couple. Game of Ping Pong anyone?
PPS In the interest of disclosure: I am a member of the ALP right.
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